1. And the day we confined the people who had wronged his soldiers
And his drops in the face of changing fortunes
١. وَيَومَ حَبَسنا قَومَ آذينَ جُندَهُ
وَقَطراتُهُ عِندَ اِختِلافِ العَواملِ
2. Emeralds, and injuring, and panther, and gathered them
The morning after the commotion with the decisive separators
٢. وَزَرداً وَآذيناً وَفَهداً وَجَمعَهُم
غَداةَ الوَغى بِالمُرهَفاتِ القَواصِلِ
3. So they came to us after a long absence of our meeting
With what remains after those earthquakes
٣. فَجاؤوا إِلَينا بَعدَ غِبِّ لِقائِنا
بِما سَبَذانٍ بَعدَ تِلكَ الزَلازِلِ