
May Allah reward Um Ghilan well

جزى الله عنا أم غيلان صالحا

1. May Allah reward Um Ghilan well
And her women when they were disheveled warriors

١. جَزى اللَهُ عَنّا أُمَّ غيلانَ صالِحاً
وَنُسوَتَها إِذ هُنَّ شُعثٌ عَواطِلُ

2. They ward off death from me after its approach
And the fighters had taken to the battlefield

٢. يُزَحزِحنَ عَنّي المَوتَ بَعدَ اِقتِرابِهِ
وَقَد بَرَزَت لِلثائِرينَ المَقاتِلُ

3. And may Allah reward Awf well with goodness, so he never flagged
Nor did my joints cool from him

٣. وَعَوفاً جَزاهُ اللَهُ خَيراً فَما وَنى
وَما بَرَّدَت مِنهُ لَدَيَّ المَفاصِلُ

4. He called out a cry at Daus till its valleys flowed
With blood, and none of them showed cowardice

٤. دَعا دَعوَةً دَوساً فَسالَت شِعابُها
بِغُرٍّ وَلَمّا بيدَ مِنهُم تُخاذِلُ

5. Do not the exalted ones keep faith with their neighbors
With a noble people when the fruits are harvested

٥. أَلَيسَ الأُلى يوفي الجِوارَ عَبيدُهُم
بِقَومٍ كِرامٍ حينَ تُبلى المَحاصِلُ

6. And I rose to my sword and bared its blade
After my soul whose enemy shall I fight

٦. وَقُمتُ إِلى سَيفي فَجَرَّدتُ نَصلَهُ
وَعَن أَيِّ نَفسٍ بَعدَ نَفسي أُقاتِلُ

7. And I advanced walking with the sword drawn
It's not blunt nor am I leaving the fight

٧. وَأَقبَلتُ أَمشي بِالحُسامِ مُهنَّداً
فَلا هُوَ مَفلولٌ وَلا أَنا ناكِلُ