
What ails your eyes that sadness has afflicted them

ما بال عينك قد أزرى بها السهد

1. What ails your eyes that sadness has afflicted them
As if the sand grains have rubbed upon their lids

١. ما بالُ عَينِكَ قَد أَزرى بِها السَهَدُ
كَأَنَّما جالَ في أَجفانِها الرَمَدُ

2. Is it from parting with a beloved you were wont to meet
While enemies and distance stood between you two

٢. أَمِن فِراقِ حَبيبٍ كُنتَ تَألَفُهُ
قَد حالَ مِن دونِهِ الأَعداءُ وَالبُعُدُ

3. Or is it from the mischief of a folk, worthless they are
When wars ignited amongst us, flames spreading

٣. أَم ذاكَ مِن شَغبِ قَومٍ لا جَداءَ بِهِم
إِذ الحُروبُ تَلَظَّت نارُها تَقِدُ

4. They cease not from the misguidance they rode
Without a shining light to guide them or a helping arm

٤. ما يَنتَهونَ عَنِ الغَيِّ الَّذي رَكِبوا
وَما لَهُم مِن لُؤَيٍّ وَيحَهُم عَضُدُ

5. We had adjured them in God's name altogether
But not moved were they by wombs or oaths

٥. وَقَد نَشَدناهُمُ بِاللَهِ قاطِبَةً
فَما تَرُدُّهُمُ الأَرحامُ وَالنُشُدُ

6. Until when they insisted upon warring
And rancor and hatred were harvested between us

٦. حَتّى إِذا ما أَبَوا إِلاّ مُحارَبَةً
وَاِستَحصَدَت بَينَنا الأَضغانُ وَالحُقُدُ

7. We marched against them with an army in its flanks
Lanterns of white and linked coats of mail

٧. سِرنا إِلَيهِم بِجَيشٍ في جَوانِبِهِ
قَوانِسُ البيضِ وَالمَحبوكَةُ السُرَدُ

8. With steeds prancing briskly bearing heroes
As though they were mountain goats in their trotting pace

٨. وَالجُردُ تَرفُلُ بِالأَبطالِ شازِبَةً
كَأَنَّها حَدأٌ في سَيرِها تُؤَدُ

9. An army led by a rock and headed by one
Who is like a roaring absent lion, growling and fierce

٩. جَيشٌ يَقودُهُم صَخرٌ وَيَرأَسُهُم
كَأَنَّهُ لَيثُ غابٍ هاصِرٌ حَرِدُ

10. So the time brought forth a tribe from their dwellings
And it was between us and them a meeting at Ohod

١٠. فَأَبرَزَ الحَينُ قَوماً مِن مَنازِلِهِم
فَكانَ مِنّا وَمِنهُم مُلتَقىً أُحُدُ

11. Many were slain from amongst them in clusters
Like goats a bitter cold slew at the mountain pass

١١. فَغودِرَت مِنهُم قَتلى مُجَندَلَةً
كَالمَعزِ أَصرَدَهُ بِالصَردَحِ البَرَدُ

12. Slain were generous souls - the Bani Najjar amongst them
And Mus'ab of Qananna, and around him warriors gathering

١٢. قَتلى كِرامٌ بَنو النَجّارِ وَسطَهُمُ
وَمُصعَبٌ مِن قَنانا حَولَهُ قَصَدُ

13. And Hamza the lion, lying dead while around him
Bereaved women circle, his nose and liver smashed

١٣. وَحَمزَةُ القَرمُ مَصروعٌ تَطيفُ بِهِ
ثَكلى وَقَد حُزَّ مِنهُ الأَنفُ وَالكَبِدُ

14. It was as if when he fell in his fight
Under armor while in it was a bold lion

١٤. كَأَنَّهُ حينَ يَكبو في جَديلَتِهِ
تَحتَ العَجاجِ وَفيهِ ثَعلَبٌ جَسَدُ

15. The conversation of the molar-toothed one and his companions fled
Just as ostriches flee in haste when scared

١٥. حَوارُ نابٍ وَقَد وَلّى صِحابَتُهُ
كَما تَوَلّى النَعامُ الهارِبُ الشَرِدُ

16. Turning their backs, not facing the foe, full of fright
So they were saved by the hillside and twisted path

١٦. مُجَلِّحينَ وَلا يُلوونَ قَد مُلِئوا
رُعباً فَنَجَّتهُمُ العَوصاءُ وَالكَوَدُ

17. Women weep for them without husbands
With each bereaved one's garments torn

١٧. تَبكي عَليهِم نِساءٌ لا بُعولَ لَها
مِن كُلِّ سالِبَةٍ أَثوابُها قِدَدُ

18. We left them for the birds a banquet
And for the beasts to go to their bodies

١٨. وَقَد تَرَكناهُمُ لِلطَيرِ مَلحَمَةً
وَلِلضِباعِ إِلى أَجسادِهِم تَفِدُ