
O prophet of guidance, the living tribe of Quraysh came to you for refuge,

يا نبي الهدى إليك لجا حي

1. O prophet of guidance, the living tribe of Quraysh came to you for refuge,
When the vastness of earth became constricted for them, and the God of heaven turned against them,

١. يا نَبِيَّ الهُدى إِلَيكَ لَجا حَي
يُ قُرَيشٍ وَلاتَ حينَ لَجاءِ

2. And the two circles of the tribe met over the people, and they called for war with the bald, old sword,
Saad wants to break the morning with the people of tents and the desert,

٢. حينَ ضاقَت عَلَيهِمُ سِعَةُ الأَر
ضِ وَعاداهُمُ إِلَهُ السَماءِ

3. A Khazrajite, if he could from hatred, would toss them about with the eagle and kite,
With a chest not bothered by anything but shedding blood and capturing women,

٣. وَاِلتَقَت حَلقَتا البِطانِ عَلى القَو
مِ وَنودوا بِالصَيلَمِ الصَلعاءِ

4. He leapt at Bitaah, and Hind came to him with the most hideous evil,
When she called out the humiliation of the living tribe of Quraysh,

٤. إِنَّ سَعداً يُريدُ قاصِمَةَ الظَه
رِ بِأَهلِ الحُجونِ وَالبَطحاءِ

5. And the son of Harb, some of the martyrs,
So if he carries the banner and calls, O bearers of the banner, people of the banner,

٥. خَزرَجِيٌّ لَو يَستَطيعُ مِنَ الغَي
ظِ رَمانا بِالنَسرِ وَالعَوّاءِ

6. Then those steadfast to him from Khazraj and Aws, the bright stars,
Will make Quraysh at Bitaah like the sediment at the bottom of a basin in the hands of a maid,

٦. وَغِرُ الصَدرِ لا يَهِمُّ بِشَيءٍ
غَيرِ سَفكِ الدِما وَسَبيِ النِساءِ

7. So deter him, for he is the lion of lions near the thicket shedding blood,
He is lurking, wanting silence from us like the deaf viper.

٧. قَد تَلَظّى عَلى البِطاحِ وَجاءَت
عَنهُ هِندٌ بِالسَوءَةِ السَوآءِ

٨. إِذ تَنادى بِذُلِّ حَيِّ قُرَيشٍ
وَاِبنِ حَربٍ بَذاً مِنَ الشُهداءِ

٩. فَلَئِن أَقحَمَ اللِواءَ وَنادى
يا حُماةَ الِلواءِ أَهلَ اللِواءِ

١٠. ثُمَّ ثابَت إِلَيهِ مَن بِهِمُ الخَز
رَجُ وَالأَوسُ أَنجُمَ الهَيجاءِ

١١. لِتَكونَنَّ بِالبِطاحِ قُرَيشٌ
فَقعَةَ القاعِ في أَكُفِّ الإِماءِ

١٢. فَاِنهَيَنهُ فَإِنَّهُ أَسَدُ الأُس
دِ لَدى الغابِ والِغٌ في الدِماءِ

١٣. إِنَّهُ مُطرِقٌ يُريدُ لَنا الأَم
رَ سُكوتاً كَالحَيَّةِ الصَمّاءِ