1. Contemplate life and you will see things
That will amaze you, if you see how they were
١. تأمّل في الحياةِ ترى أموراً
ستعجبُ إن بدا لك كيف كانتْ
2. For how many sorrows have made eyes weep
Yet the Generous has eased them, so they passed
٢. فكم مِن كُربةٍ أبكتْ عيوناً
فهوّنها الكريمُ لنا فهانتْ
3. And how many needs were but mirages
God wanted us to meet them, so they came
٣. وكم مِن حاجةٍ كانت سراباً
أرادَ اللهُ لُقياها فحانت
4. And how much bitterness we have tasted from circumstances
Yet despite the harshness of days, it softened
٤. وكم ذُقنا المرارة مِن ظروفٍ
برغمِ قساوةِ الأيامِ لانتْ
5. Such is this life, with all its concerns
If you adorn it with patience, it is adorned
٥. هي الدنيا لنا فيها شؤونٌ
فإن زيّنتِها بالصبرِ زانتْ