1. I have sent you my likeness, alluring,
Wrapped around ribs with a heart underneath,
١. بعثت لكم مثلى مشوقا قد انطوى
على أضلع ما تحتهن فؤاد
2. Smitten with passion for you and youthfulness,
And choked by estrangement from you and distance.
٢. لواها غرام في هواكم وصبوة
وأضناه هجر منكم وبعاد
3. When lovers sleep or indulge in love,
No tranquility or rest comes over them.
٣. اذا رقد العشاق أو سلوا الهوى
فما يعتريه سلوة ورقاد
4. Choose the garments of longing for your love,
For he has no wish but for them.
٤. تخيّر أثواب الضنى فى هواكم
فليس له فى غيرهن مراد
5. When he wears the garments at night,
The heat of passion dries them out almost completely.
٥. اذا لبس الأثواب وهي بليلة
ينشفها حر الهوا فتكاد
6. He nearly perishes from wearing them, consumed,
While taking them off, the burning is kept at bay.
٦. تكاد به تفنى احتراقا بلبسها
وبالخلع عنها الاحتراق يذاد
7. For a time Hallaj had a companion
To remove the impurity and evil from him.
٧. وقد كان للحلاج حينا مصاحبا
لتذهب منه خلطة ونكاد
8. It is fitting that he enjoy the service of the likes of you,
For your service contains guidance and integrity.
٨. ويصلح أن يحظى بخدمة مثلكم
فخدمتكم فيها هدى ورشاد
9. And bring him glory, generosity and honor -
Love for you has now become his affection and friendship.
٩. وأكسبه مجدا وجودا وعزة
هوى عندكم أضحى له ووداد
10. So if he gains no benefit, extend your shade over him,
And sometimes when benefit turns away, he is generous.
١٠. فان ريم منه النفع مدّ ظلاله
وساعة يولى النفع فهو جواد
11. How many people wore what they later doffed
Futilely, and benefited from it, then gave benefit!
١١. وكم لبس الناس الذى هو خالع
سدى واستفادوا منه ثم أفادوا
12. Tomorrow, I hope to obtain from your affection
A dear one, led with difficulty, by it to be led.
١٢. غدا سببا أرجو به من ودادكم
عزيزا به صعب القياد يقاد