
I saw the small in rank grow in his affairs

رأيت صغير الامر تنمي شؤونه

1. I saw the small in rank grow in his affairs
Until he became great with no limit to his greatness

١. رَأَيتُ صَغير الاِمرِ تَنمي شُؤونَه
فَيَكبُر حَتّى لا يَحد وَيَعظُم

2. And though it wearies you to make a fool understand
He reckons you a fool, he who understands not

٢. وَإِن عَناءاً أَن تَفهَم جاهِلا
فَيَحسَب جَهلا أَنَّهُ مِنكَ اِفهَم

3. When will a building one day reach completion
If you build it while another demolishes?

٣. مَتى يَبلُغ البُنيانُ يَوماً تَمامَه
اِذا كُنت تَبنيهِ وَغَيرك يَهدِم

4. When will the generous exceed if he supposes
That if he gives little, he will have nothing left?

٤. مَتى يفضل المَثري اِذا ظَنَّ اِنَّهُ
اِذا جادَ بِالشَيءِ القَليلِ سَيعدم

5. When will one desist from the evil he has done
If he feels no remorse for what he has done?

٥. مَتى يَنتَهي عَن سيء مِن اِتى بِهِ
اِذا لَم يَكُن مِنهُ عَلَيهِ تَندَم

6. Livelihood is but a division among its people
So neither wealthy nor destitute will lack sustenance

٦. وَما الرِزقُ إِلّا قِسمَة بَين اِهلِه
فَلا يَعدم الأَرزاقِ مثر وَمُعدَم

7. Time will never change its nature
Whether it be despicable or honorable

٧. وَلَن يَستَطيعُ الدَهر تَغيير خَلقِه
لَئيم وَلن يَستَطيعه مُتكرم

8. Just as the water of bitterness never tasted sweet
While the ocean's water makes one retch

٨. كَما إِن ماء المزن ما ذيق سائِغ
زلال وَماء البَحرِ يَلفِظُه الغَم