
Do not despair when faced with adversity,

لا تيأسن من انفراج شديدة

1. Do not despair when faced with adversity,
The darkest clouds may yet disperse, revealing hope.

١. لا تَيأَسَنَّ من اِنفِراجِ شَديدَة
قَد تَنجَلي الغَمَراتِ وَهيَ شَدائِد

2. Many a tribulation has sworn it shall not pass,
Yet eased by the One, the Majestic and Compassionate.

٢. كَم كُربَة اِقسَمَت اِن لَن تَنقَضي
زالَت وَفَرجُها الجَليلُ الواحِد