
Beware! Some suspicion is a sin, so do not

ألا إن بعض الظن إثم فلا تكن

1. Beware! Some suspicion is a sin, so do not
Suspect anything that would bring blame upon you.

١. أَلا إِنَّ بَعض الظَنَّ إِثمٌ فَلا تَكُن
ظَنوناً لِما فيهِ عَلَيكَ أَثام

2. And verily, a man's suspicions are like clouds -
Among them is that which rains and that which thunders violently.

٢. وَإِن ظَنونَ المَرءِ مِثل سَحائِب
لَوامِع مِنها ماطِر وَجهام