
Ibn Muti' called to the seller, so I came to him

دعا ابن مطيع للبياع فجئته

1. Ibn Muti' called to the seller, so I came to him
To the allegiance of my heart, of which he was unaware

١. دعا ابن مطيع للبياع فجئته
إلى بيعة قلبي لها غير عارف

2. So he brought out to me a coarse one, when I touched it
It was so coarse, it was not from the palms of gentle ones

٢. فأخرج لي خَشناء حيث لمستها
من الخشن ليست من أكفِّ الخلائف

3. From the scattered wrinkles, I denied its touch
It was not of the smooth white hands of gentle maidens

٣. من الشتات الكزم أنكرت مسها
وليست من البيض السباط اللطائف

4. Repeatedly striking the stones against each other
So they returned it, when it was the day of bartering

٤. معاودة ضرب الهراوى لقومها
فردّوا إذا ما كان يوم التسايف

5. He did not specify, when I swore allegiance to him, my successor
Nor did he impose any condition, save the condition of the gambler

٥. ولم يسمِ إِذا بايعته من خليفتي
ولم يشترط إلا اشتراط المجازف