
These breezes are the rays of Allah's grace

نفحات فضل الله هذي شمسها

1. These breezes are the rays of Allah's grace
In their adornment they have shone upon us among mankind

١. نفحات فضل الله هذي شمسها
في حليها لاحت لنا بين الورى

2. So if you want a pillar of your faith to be perfumed
You must hold fast to it, for the prey is in the belly of the cave

٢. فإذا أردت عمود دينك نفحة
لازم لها فالصيد في جوف الفرى

3. Illuminate with its lines and study it
At dawn people will praise the secret

٣. أدلج بأسطرها ولازم درسها
عند الصباح ستحمد القوم السر

4. You have learned from the religion of Mustafa
What was from the beginning of time denounced

٤. قد عرفت من دين المصطفى
ما كان من قدم الزمان منكرا