
Be deliberate in a thing when you attempt it

تأن في الشيء إذا رمته

1. Be deliberate in a thing when you attempt it
That you may know rectitude from error;

١. تأنَّ في الشَّيء إذا رُمتَهُ
لِتعرفَ الرُّشْدَ مِنَ الغيِّ

2. Do not follow every smoke that you see,
For fire could be kindled for stewing.

٢. لا تَتْبَعَنْ كُلّ دُخانٍ ترى
فالنَّارُ قدْ توقَدُ لِلكَيِّ

3. And judge the thing by its forms,
The thing leads you to the thing.

٣. وقِسْ على الشَّيءِ بأشكالِهِ
يدلُّكَ الشَّيءُ على الشَّيءِ