
Ask Allah for a useful mind and seek refuge in Him

سل الله عقلا نافعا واستعذ به

1. Ask Allah for a useful mind and seek refuge in Him
From ignorance - you ask the Best Giver for a questioner

١. سلِ اللهَ عَقلاً نافِعاً واستَعِذْ بهِ
منَ الجَهلِ تَسأَلْ خَيرَ مُعْطٍ لِسائلِ

2. So with reason all virtues are fully realized
Just as ignorance fully encompasses all vices

٢. فبالعَقلِ تُستوفى الفضائلُ كُلُّها
كَما الجَهلُ مُستَوفٍ جميعَ الرَّذائلِ