
If a people serve a ruler to excess

إذا خدم السلطان قوم ليسرفوا

1. If a people serve a ruler to excess
In order to gain what they crave

١. إذا خدمَ السُّلطانَ قَومُ ليُسرِفوا
بهِ وينالُوا ما يَتَشَوَّفوا

2. I have served my God and held fast to His rope
That He may protect me from all I fear

٢. خدمْتُ إلَهي واعتصَمْتُ بحَبلِهِ
لِيَعصِمني من كُلِّ ما أتَخَوَّفُ

3. I am content with Him who gives kings their realm
And takes it away from them, Most Majestic, Most Noble

٣. رضِيت بمَنْ يولي السّلاطِينَ مُلكَهُمْ
وينزِعُهُ عنهُمْ أجلُّ وأشرَفُ