1. Who will inform the evildoers that as long as I have sight and a pulsing vein, I think little of them because I oppose them and opposites naturally hate each other. And when they see me approaching, let them know that I turn my face away from friendship with them.
١. مَنْ مَبِلغُ الأشرارِ عنَّي أنَّني
مادامَ بي طَرفٌ وعِرقٌ ينبِض
٢. أقليهُمُ طُرّاً لأنِّي ضِدُّهُمْ
والضِّدُّ للضِّدِّ المُنافِس يبغِضُ
٣. وإذا رأوْني مُقبلاً فلْيعلَموا
أنِّي بوَجهِ الودِّ عنْهُم مُعرِض