
I see in you a long life of favor coming towards me

أرى منك طول الدهر إقبال قابل

1. I see in you a long life of favor coming towards me
And after it estrangement of an opposing adversity

١. أرى منكَ طولَ الدَّهرِ إقبالَ قابِلٍ
ومِن بَعدِها إعراضُ ضّدٍّ مُقابِلِ

2. You show me affection then throw spears at me
With arrows of backbiting, less effective than a skilled archer's

٢. وتُظهِرُ وُدِّي ثم تَرمي مقاتِلي
بسَهمِ اغتيابٍ دوَنهُ سَهمُ نابِلِ

3. So reduce my faults if you want my love
And be fair, do not set up the ropes of a blamer

٣. فأقلِلْ مَعابي إنْ أردْتَ مودَّتي
وأنصِفْ ولا تَنصِبْ حِبالَةَ حابِلِ

4. One who finds fault, with the intention of retaliation
And the other who visits me, with the intention of finding my faults

٤. فسِيَّانِ رامٍ قاصِدٌ بالمعابِلِ
وآخرَ زارٍ قاصِدٌ بالمعابِ لي