
The noble Abu Sa'id and his aspirations

أما الكريم أبو سعد وهمته

1. The noble Abu Sa'id and his aspirations
Have become in high esteem a wonder of the cosmos

١. أمّا الكَريمُ أبو سَعْدٍ وهِمَّتُهُ
فقد غَدا في العُلا أعجوبَةَ الفَلَكِ

2. If people were to borrow from the elixir of his conduct
They would be the most generous in angelic conduct

٢. لَوِ استَعارَ الوَرى إكسيرَ سيرَتِهِ
لَكانَ أجودَهُمْ في سِيرَةِ المَلَكِ