
O you who depart when patience fails him

يا راحلا أمسى يزم ركابه

1. O you who depart when patience fails him
My patience had failed, so he was the first to depart

١. يا راحلاً أمسى يَزُم رِكابَهُ
قَدْ زَمَّ صَبري فهوَ أوَّلُ راحِلِ

2. God knows that because of parting with you
I am in continuous agony bound to afflictions

٢. اللهُ يعلَمُ أنَّني لِفِراقِكُمْ
في لَوْعَةٍ مَوصولَةٍ ببَلابِل

3. If I show patience in leaving you, such patience
Is the first betrayer while justice is the first righteous

٣. إن رُمْتُ عنكَ تَصبُّراً فالصبَّرُ أوّ
لُ خاذِلٍ والعَدْلُ أولُ عادلِ