
Oh Abu Sulaiman, how much goodness you have granted me,

أبا سليمانكم أوليت من حسن

1. Oh Abu Sulaiman, how much goodness you have granted me,
And how much you have rewarded me, and how much kindness you have bestowed upon me,

١. أبا سُليمانَكم أولَيْتَ من حَسَنٍ
وكْم جَزَيْتَ وكم واليْتَ من مِنَنِ

2. And how much we have tended to one another, and he was for me
Like the pairing of spirit and body,

٢. وكم رعى بعضُنا بَعضاً وكانَ لهُ
مزاوِجاً كازدِواجِ الرُّوحِ والبَدَنِ

3. And how much we were envied for the affection through which
Our souls were comforted like a child is soothed by milk.

٣. وكم حُسِدْنا على وُدٍّ بهِ أنسِتْ
نفوسُنا مثلَ أُنْسِ الطِّفْلِ باللَّبَنِ

4. So why have we grown estranged without cause,
And why have we deviated from propriety?

٤. فمالَنا قد تناكَرْنا بلاسببٍ
ومالَنا أنَّنا زُعْنا عنِ السَّنَنِ

5. And why have we forgotten binding rights
Due to a misstep - if it has occurred - out of neglect?

٥. ولمِْ نَسِينا حُقوقاً جَمَّمةً سلفَتْ
لزَلَّةٍ إنْ جَرتْ هَذا منَ الغَبَنِ

6. Does a reasonable man sell the precious
For naught and yet have ample stores without price?

٦. وهلْ يَرى عاقِلٌ باعَ الثَّمينَ مَنَ
الأعلاقِ وهْوَ لهُ ذُخْرٌ بلا ثَمَنِ

7. What is our excuse if we are asked where your relationship stood
And where was your pact in eras past?

٧. ما عذرُنا إنْ سُئِلنا أينَ وصلُكُما
وأينَ عهدُكما في سالِفِ الزَّمَنِ

8. An admonition - we have no time in our lives for delay
And it is not seemly that we accept anything but the best.

٨. نَهلاً فليسَ لَنا في عُمرِنا مَهَلٌ
وليسَ يَحسُنُ أن نرضى سِوى الحَسَنِ

9. So return to reunion - for reunion is most praiseworthy
If you heed the view of those wise and insightful.

٩. فعُدْ إلى الوَصلِ إنَّ الوصلَ أحمدُ إنْ
تابعْتَ رأيَ أولي الألبابِ والفِطَنِ

10. But if you are stingy with affection or favor,
Then a truce, however it may be, over embers.

١٠. وإنْ بخِلْتَ بوُدَّ أو مجاملَةٍ
فهُدْنَةٌ كيفَما كانَتْ على دَخَنِ

11. If it is your right by ordainment, undeflected by
Excuse, then do not deny my own right its course.

١١. إنْ كانَ حقُّكَ فرْضاً ليس يدفَعُهُ
عُذْرٌ فلا تُخرِجَنَّ حَقِّي مَنَ السَّنَنِ