1. And when truth fails and their words
Become confused at the gates,
١. وإذا أعوزَ الصَّوابُ وأضحى
مِنهُمُ القَولُ مُرْتَجَ الأبوابِ
2. And between its light and revelation
Arises a veil that misguides opinion,
٢. وانبَرَى دونَ ضوئهِ وتَجَلِّي
هِ نِقابٌ يَضِلُّ رأيَ النِّقابِ
3. His precious soul awakens in him
A thought that seeks the rightness of right.
٣. بعثَتْ نفسُهُ النَّفيسَةُ فيهِ
فِكَراً تَستَدِرُّ صَوْابَ الصَّوابِ