
And when truth fails and their words

وإذا أعوز الصواب وأضحى

1. And when truth fails and their words
Become confused at the gates,

١. وإذا أعوزَ الصَّوابُ وأضحى
مِنهُمُ القَولُ مُرْتَجَ الأبوابِ

2. And between its light and revelation
Arises a veil that misguides opinion,

٢. وانبَرَى دونَ ضوئهِ وتَجَلِّي
هِ نِقابٌ يَضِلُّ رأيَ النِّقابِ

3. His precious soul awakens in him
A thought that seeks the rightness of right.

٣. بعثَتْ نفسُهُ النَّفيسَةُ فيهِ
فِكَراً تَستَدِرُّ صَوْابَ الصَّوابِ