
Should I not convey sincere advice to the Sultan

ألا أبلغ السلطان عني نصيحة

1. Should I not convey sincere advice to the Sultan
Accompanied by affection and prudent counsel?

١. أَلا أبلِغ السلطان عَنِّي نَصيحَةٌ
يئشَيِّعُها وُدَّ ورأْيٌ مُحَنَّك

2. You have surpassed the zenith of the sun in glory and sublimity
And subjugated all those who were sovereigns

٢. تجاوَزْتَ أوجَ الشَّمسِ عِّزاً ورِفْعَةً
وذَلَّلْتَ قَسْراً كُلَّ مَنْ تملَّكوا

3. Yet why persist in wearying undertakings
When the zenith of the sun does not shift?

٣. فما حَرَكاتٌ مُتعِباتٌ تُديُمها
تَأَنَّ فأوْجُ الشَّمسِ لا يتحرَّكُ