
A man has foes who seek to do him ill,

وللمرء أضداد يرومون قسره

1. A man has foes who seek to do him ill,
And yet no help for him on earth they will.

١. وللَمرءٍ أضدادٌ يرومون قسرَهُ
وليسَ له منهم على حالةٍ بُدُّ

2. If he does good, his evil foes him shun,
And if he's bad, his goodness is his sun.

٢. فإنْ كانَ ذا خيرٍ جفاه شِرارُهُمْ
وإن كانَ شرّاً فالخِيارُ لهُ ضِدُّ