
Like the sun in its light, though it has no flame

كالشمس نورا ولكن ماله لهب

1. Like the sun in its light, though it has no flame
Like rain in its generosity, though its cloud is gold

١. كالشَّمسِ نوراً ولكنْ مالَهُ لَهَبُ
كالغَيْثِ جُوداً ولكِنْ وَبْلُهُ الذَّهبُ

2. His promise is in the health of justice and pure faith
What leaks from him is the abundance of blasphemy and disbelief

٢. في صحَّةِ العَدلِ والتَّوحيد موعدُهُ
في كَثْرِةِ الكُفرِ والإلحادِ ما يَهَبُ

3. It's as if when he gives, it's all out of greed
It's as if when he protects, it's all out of fear

٣. كأنَّهُ حينَ يُعطي كُلَّهُ رَغَبُ
كأنَّهُ حينَ يَحمي كُلُّهُ رَهَبُ

4. With his sword the spirit of his enemy lies plundered
With his whip, people's wealth lies plundered

٤. بسَيفه رُوحُ مَنْ عاداهُ مُنتَهَبٌ
بسَيبِهِ مالهُ في النَّاسِ مُنتَهَبُ

5. His actions are deceptions, his words mirages
His pens are blazing stars, his views falling stars

٥. أفعالُهُ غُرَرٌ أقوالُهُ سُوَرٌ
أقلامُهُ قُضُبٌ آراؤُهُ شُهُبُ