
Whoever makes patience his purpose

من جعل الصبر في مقاصده

1. Whoever makes patience his purpose
And on his path a safe ladder

١. مَنْ جعلَ الصَّبر في مقاصِدِه
وفي مَراقِيهِ سُلَّماً سَلِما

2. Patience aids the youth and is his ally
Rarely did one who abandoned it not regret

٢. والصَّبرُ عَونُ الفَتى وناصِرُهُ
وقَلَّ مَنْ عنه نَدّ ما نَدِما

3. How many shocking blows has time delivered
Yet when it saw patience, it recoiled as if shocked

٣. كمْ صدمَةٍ للزَّمان مُنْكَرَةٍ
لّما رأى الصَّبرَ صَدّ ما صدَما

4. So be patient, for time on its haunches
Despite itself grows despairing with every word

٤. فاصبِرْ فإنَّ الزَّمانَ عن كَثَبٍ
يأْسُو على الرَّغمِ كُلَّما كَلَما