
O you who see serving the sultan as your asset

يا من يرى خدمة السلطان عدته

1. O you who see serving the sultan as your asset
Nothing awaits your toil except humiliation and regret

١. يا مَن يَرى خِدمَةَ السُّلطانِ عُدَّتَهُ
ما أَرْشُ كَدِّكَ إلاّ الذُّلُّ والنَّدَمُ

2. Leave existence, for non-existence is better than your existence
What you seek from them is deprivation and annihilation

٢. دَعِ الوُجودَ فخَيرٌ من وجودِكَ ما
تَبغيهِ عندَهُمُ الحِرمانُ والعَدَمُ