
Muhammad bin Hamid when he improvised

محمد بن حامد إذا ارتجل

1. Muhammad bin Hamid when he improvised
And passed in his speech hastily

١. مُحَمَّدُ بنُ حامدٍ إذا ارتَجَلْ
ومرَّ في كَلامِهِ على عَجَلْ

2. He probed the cheek of every previous cicatrix
With his publishing and composing the garb of modesty

٢. نقَّبَ خَدَّ كُلِّ نَدْبٍ سابقٍ
بنَشْرِهِ ونَظمِهِ ثَوْبَ الخَجَلْ

3. His pens water every advisor
And fault-finder the cups of life and death

٣. أقلامُهُ يَسقيِنَ كُلَّ ناصحٍ
وكاشحٍ كأسَيْ حَيَاةٍ وأجَلْ

4. So his advisors are shining with hope
And his fault-finders with anguish

٤. فَناصِحوهُ مُشرِقونَ بالأمل
وكاشِحوهُ بالوَجَلْ

5. He kept him for the religion and the world together
And for the sublime goals our Lord, Honored and Exalted

٥. أبقاهُ لِلدِّين والدُّنْيا معاً
ولِلَمعالي رَبُّنا عَزَّ وجَلْ