
For God, I became fond of the farmer

لله دهقان أنست بقربه

1. For God, I became fond of the farmer
And saw him strutting in luxury's robes

١. للهِ دهُقانُ أنِسْتُ بقُربِهِ
ورأيتُه يَختالُ في حُلَلِ الغِنى

2. Free, even when you feed him two thousand treasures
From my gardens he gifted me some grapes

٢. حُرُّ إذا أطعَمْتَه ألفَيْ جنى
مِن جَنَّتي أهدى إليَّ الفَيْجَنا

3. I always see him angry or resentful
As if he were a fly pestering our noses

٣. أبداً أراهُ أو واغِلاً
فكأنَّه نَغَفٌ يزاحِمُ أنْفَنا

4. When he came to me demanding handouts
I told him, “Our guest, you come only to mooch.”

٤. قد قلْت لَما جاءني مُتَطَفِّلاً
يا ضيفَنا ما جئْتَ إلاّ ضَيفَتل