
Your joy with this world is an illusion, so do not

سرورك بالدنيا غرور فلا تكن

1. Your joy with this world is an illusion, so do not
Be joyful with your world, lest you become deluded.

١. سرورُكَ بالدنيا غرورٌ فلا تكن
بدُنياك مسروراً فتصبحَ مغرورا

2. Do not feel safe from events, but fear their calamities,
For how many homes have they destroyed and how many lights extinguished.

٢. ولا تأمنِ الأحداثَ واخشَ بَيَاتها
فكم نسفت دوراً وكم كسفت نوراً

3. And the most lost of all people is he who lived heedlessly,
For he did not live thanked, nor did he die excused.

٣. وأخسرُ أهلِ الأرضِ من عاشَ غافلاً
فلم يحيَ مشكوراً ولم يفنَ معذوراً