1. The weapons were sharpened for the intensity of war,
And the distressed cried out for the intensity of adversity.
١. صِحت السِّلاحَ لِشِدَّةِ الحَربِ
والمُستغاثَ لِشدَّةِ الكَرْبِ
2. When they donned their armor,
And marched for the battles of war,
٢. حتَّة إذا لبِسوا سلاحَهم
وتَشَدُوا لوقائعِ الحَربِ
3. I extended my heart to them and said:
"This offender - so cut out my heart!"
٣. ناولْتُهُمْ قَليي وقلتُ لُمْ
هّذا المُسئُ فَقَطِّعوا قلبي