1. Is there a generous or superior man
Who craves gratitude and mention?
١. هلْ مُنِعمٌ في النَّاسِ أو مُفضِلٌ
يرغبُ في الشُكرِ وفي الذِّكرِ
2. He gives a carat of his righteousness
And takes a quintal of my gratitude.
٢. يجودُ بالقِيراط من بِرِّهِ
ويأخذُ القِنطارَ من شُكري
3. No! For benevolence and nobility have vanished.
And people of merit and worth have died.
٣. كَلاَّ فقد غابَ النَّدى والسَّدى
وماتَ أهلُ الفَضلِ والقَدْرِ
4. Now people, including those among them
Who are free, hasten to sycophancy.
٤. وأصبحَ النّاسُ وما فيهِم
حُرٌ إلى أُكرومَةٍ يَجري
5. Whatever wealth, riches,
Abundance, and ample store you desire,
٥. ما شئتَ من مالٍ ومن ثَروَةٍ
ومن عَديدٍ وافِرٍ دَثْرِ
6. But because of their narrow-mindedness
They are in the direst poverty and need.
٦. لكِنّهُمْ من ضيقِ أخلاقِهِمْ
في أَضَيقِ العُسرَةِ والفَقْرِ
7. Wealth, unless held by one noble,
Is more squandered than a necklace without a string.
٧. والمالُ ما لْم يحوِهِ فاضِلٌ
أضيعُ من عِقدٍ بلا نَحرِ