
The minister's shade is the ruin of all happiness

ظل الوزير مقيل كل سعادة

1. The minister's shade is the ruin of all happiness
The hopeful finds in its dust only misery

١. ظِلُّ الوَزير مَقيلُ كُلِّ سعادَةٍ
يجدُ المُؤمِّلُ في ذَراهُ مُنْتَشا

2. Whoever wants happiness and felicity
Will attain and obtain whatever he desires by meeting him

٢. مَن شاءَ منشا غِبْطَةٍ وسَعادةٍ
بلقائهِ يُدرِك ويلحَقُ ما يَشا