
We are a people who bow to no oppressor,

ونحن أناس لا نذل لجانف

1. We are a people who bow to no oppressor,
No tyranny over us do we allow or accept.

١. ونحنُ أناسٌ لا نذِلُّ لجانِفٍ
علَينا ولانرضى حكومَةَ حائفِ

2. We inherited glory in high places, so our pride
Is great, and none but the fearless do we protect.

٢. ملكنا المعالي بالعَوالي فجارُنا
عَزيزٌ ومنْ نكفُلْ بهِ غيرُ خائفِ

3. From fathers of old we inherited when honored
Pages that sing without need of ornate scripts.

٣. ورثنا عن الآباء عندَ اختِرامِها
صفائحَ تُغني عن رُسومِ الصَّحائفِ

4. Our swords and our spears give us leadership
If not the banners of flimsy caliphs.

٤. تُؤمِّرُنا أسيافُنا ورماحُنا
إذا لم يُؤَمِّرْنا لواءَ الخَلائفِ

5. With tongues for tools we built a Kaaba
Around which reluctant kings made their circles.

٥. بنَيْنا بأطرافِ الأسِنَّة كَعبةً
أطافَ بها قَسراً ملوكُ الطَّوائفِ

6. Let those who wish tremble, let those who wish bend,
For we lose nothing if they come at us falsely.

٦. فْمن شاءَ فلْيَخْشُنْ ومنْ شاءَ فلْيلِنْ
فما نَقدُنا إنْ قارَضونا بزائفِ

7. And soon we will reward the people of Mecca
And serve the horses of ill-repute their toxic drafts.

٧. وسوفَ نُجازي باللّطائفِ أهلَها
ونَسقي ذُعافَ الّسمِّ أهلَ الكَتائفِ