
I sacrifice myself for you, though I am poor and destitute

فديتك إن مقتر رازح الحال

1. I sacrifice myself for you, though I am poor and destitute
I have naught but hopes in your generosity to ameliorate my plight

١. فديتُكَ إنِّ مُقتِرٌ رازِحُ الحالِ
ومالي سِوى جدوى يَمينكَ مِنْ مالي

2. And though hopes have dictated to my pen gratitude and praise
Hear now the dictation of my hopes, their aspirations convey

٢. وقد أملَتِ الآمالُ شُكراً ومِدْحَةً
على قَلمي فاسمَعْ أمالَي آمالي