
When I took charge of affairs and it darkened

لما توليت الأمور وأظلمت

1. When I took charge of affairs and it darkened
In my eyes, my resources and sources,

١. لما تولَّيْتُ الأُمورَ وأظلَمَتْ
في ناظِرَيَّ موارِدي ومصادِري

2. And I despaired of those whose favor I sought
And counted them as headlines of my treasures,

٢. ويَئستُ مِمَّن كنتُ أرجو فضلَهُ
وأُعِدُّهُ عنوانَ صُحفِ ذخائري

3. And I knew that I had wasted my talents
And placed them in ungrateful hands,

٣. وعلمتُ أنَّي قد أضعْتُ صنائعي
ووضعْتُها في غَيرِ حُرٍّ شاكِرِ