1. A man is known by his aspirations, not by
His raiment's cost and rich caparisons.
١. المرءُ بالهِمَّةِ والتَّجمُّلِ
لا بالعَديدِ الدَّثْرِ والتَّمَوُّلِ
2. Not everyone you succor with right hand
Will he obey his soul's command to do the same.
٢. ما كلُمَنْ نصرْتَهُ بأنْصُلٍ
تأمُرهُ هِمَّتُهُ بأنْ صُلِ
3. Speaks Abu Nadhr well, and pays the debts
That are his honor's charge. Which, then, is mine -
٣. كلاٌ لأبي النَّضرِ
مُوَفِّي واجبِبُ النَّحْلِ
4. The palms' fruit or the bees'?
O gazelle whose cheek outshines
٤. فما أدري جنى النَّخلِ
أراني أمْ جنى النَّحْلِ
5. The moon, your curls like stars that shine!
Blame me not if secretly some tears should flow -
٥. يا غَزالاً بِوَجهِهِ جُدَرِيُّ
ظَلَّ يَحكي كَواكِباً في هِلالِ
6. The blame is his alone; no fault have I.
٦. لا تَلُمْني إنْ نَمَّ بالسِّرِّ دَمعي
فلهُ الذَّنبُ خالِصاً مِنهُ لا لي