1. I complain to you of the humiliation of isolation
O icons of benevolence and justice
١. أشكو إليكُمْ ذِلَّةَ العَزْلِ
يا صُوَر الإحسانِ والعَدْلِ
2. I was confounded in aiding your days
With isolation, and isolation is the brother of weakness
٢. دُهِيتُ في نُصْرَةِ أيّامِكُمْ
بالعَزْلِ والعَزلُ أخو الأَزْلِ
3. I was relegated amidst your forgetfulness
As if I was accustomed to connection
٣. أُدرِجْتُ في أثناءِ نِسيانِكُمْ
حتَّى كأنِّي ألِفُ الوَصلِ