
I ransom you, O soul of all generosity

فديتك يا روح المكارم كلها

1. I ransom you, O soul of all generosity
With the most precious of my soul and breath

١. فديتُكَ يا روحَ المكارمِ كُلِّها
بأنفَسِ ما عندي من الرُّوح والنَّفسِ

2. I was imprisoned, and after the eclipse - brightness
It illuminates the horizons for the moon and sun

٢. حُبِسْتُ ومن بَعدِ الكُسوفِ تَبَلُّجٌ
تُضئُ بهِ الآفاق للبَدرِ والشَّمسِ

3. So do not believe imprisonment causes gloom and loneliness
For the first being of man is in the narrowest prison

٣. فلا تَعتقِدْ للحَبْسِ غَمّاً وَوحْشَةً
فأوَّلُ كَونِ المَرءِ في أضيّقِ الحَبسِ