1. The sons of Freigoun are a people with
The light of guidance and brilliance of noble blacks upon their faces,
١. بنو فُرَيْغونَ قومٌ في وُجوهِهُمُ
نورُ الهُدى وضِياءُ السُّوُدِ العالي
2. As if they were created from aloes wood and height
While the rest of mankind is from clay and potsherds.
٢. كأنَّما خُلِقوا من سؤْدُدٍ وعلا
وسائرُ النَّاسِ من طينٍ وصَلْصالِ
3. Whosoever meets them would say this is the best of them
In rank and most excellent of soul and wealth.
٣. مَنْ تلْقَ مِنهُمْ تقُلْ هَذا أجلُّهُمُ
شأناً وأسناهُم بالنَّفسِ والمَالِ
4. And if you compare them to the domains of the earth, they are
Pure water, while domains are like salts.
٤. فإنْ تقِسْهُمْ بأملاكِ الورى فهُمُ
ماءٌ زلالٌ إذ الأملاكُ كالآلِ
5. O questioner, what have you obtained from them?
Leave off questioning and arise and look upon my state.
٥. يا سائلي ما الّذي حصَّلْتَ عندهُمُ
دَعِ السُّؤالَ وقْم فانظُرْ إلى حالي
6. Do you not see my state now, how it has settled
With them? Have you not seen my state during my wandering?
٦. ألا ترى الآنَ حالي كيفَ قد حلِتَتْ
بهِمْ ألم ترَ حالي عندَ تَرْحالي
7. The auspicious king has granted me honor with his bird
And clothed me in a robe of favor.
٧. أفادَني الملِكُ المَيمونُ طائرُهُ
عِزّاً وألبَسَني سِربالَ إقبال
8. And he produced from his right a sea that overflowed and crashed
Its bubbles above my thoughts and hopes.
٨. واشتَقَّ من حَقِّهِ بَحراً طغى وطمى
حُبابُهُ فَوقَ أفكاري وآمالي
9. If I am silent in thanks for his gifts
It is from inability, not neglect.
٩. فإنْ أكُنْ ساكِتاً عن شُكرِ أنعُمِهِ
فإنَّ ذاكَ لِعَجزي لا لإغفالي