
O you who severed the bond between me and him

أيا قاطعا للوصل بيني وبينه

1. O you who severed the bond between me and him
Without cause from me, as I knew, or reason,

١. أيا قاطعِاً للوَصلِ بَيني وبينَهُ
بِلا عِلَّةٍ مِنَّي عَرَفْتُ ولا سَبَبْ

2. And O you who broke a pact I thought would be
Passing, like the orbits of days and epochs!

٢. ويا ناقِضاً عَهداً حسِبتُ بأَنَّهُ
مُمِرُّ على مَرِّ الدَّوائرِ والحِقَبْ

3. Do you think you can be deluded by fate?
It is treacherous; in its days are woes for the youth.

٣. أعِندَكِ أنْ تَغتَرَّ بالدَّهرِ إنَّه
حَرونٌ وفي أيَّامِهِ للفَتى نَصَبْ