
O you who address your people to lead them

يا من يخاطب قومه ليقودهم

1. O you who address your people to lead them
with your speech towards the most beneficial path

١. يا مَن يُخاطبُ قومَه لِيقودَهُمْ
بخِطابِهِ نحوَ الأسَدَّ الأنفَعِ

2. Say what you say to them in tune with their minds
and in tune with your mind what is said to you, listen

٢. قلْ ما تقولُ لُهم بوَزنِ عُقولِهِم
وبوَزنِ عقلِكَ ما يُقالُ لكَ اسمَعِ