
When worries poured their bitterness over me,

ولما سقاني صرف الهموم

1. When worries poured their bitterness over me,
And misfortunes poured down like rain,

١. ولّما سَقاني صِرْفَ الهُمومِ
وصِرفَ المَصائبِ صَرْفُ الزَّمانِ

2. And calamities worked their creativity,
I was relieved, having no control over them.

٢. وأبدَعَتِ النُّوَبُ المُبْدِعاتُ
ورُحْتُ ومَالي علَيها يَدانِ

3. I did not know the way to safety,
Nor where the gate of security could be found.

٣. ولم أدْرِ كيفَ طريقُ النّجاةِ
ومِنْ أينَ يُقصَدُ بابُ الأمانِ

4. I have come to you to defend me from my suffering,
And suffice me from what has afflicted me,

٤. أتيتُكَ مُسْتَدفِعاً ما أُعاني
ومُستَكفياَ بِكَ ما قَد دَهاني

5. For you are the noblest of the generous,
As eloquence is the noblest form of expression.

٥. لأنَّكَ أعلى وُجوهِ الكِرامِ
كَما النَّصُّ أعلى وَجوهِ البيَانِ