
Obey God and adhere to the guidance of His religion

تق الله والزم هدى دينه

1. Obey God and adhere to the guidance of His religion
And after that adhere to philosophy

١. تقِ الله والزَمْ هُدى دينِهِ
ومِن بَعدِ ذا فالزَمِ الفَلسَفهْ

2. And leave those who find fault with it
For a man's philosophy is better than foolishness

٢. ودَعْ عنكَ قَوماً يَعيبونَها
ففلسفَةُ المَرءِ فَلُّ السَّفَهْ

3. And be not deceived by the people who are content
With a religion of falsehood and frivolity

٣. ولا تَغتَرِر بأُناسٍ رضُوا
مِنَ الدِّينِ بالزور والسَّفسَفَةْ