
Deny the lowly their desire, perchance

عليك بحرمان اللئيم لعله

1. Deny the lowly their desire, perchance
Once tasting prohibition's bitter taste they yet may learn to be generous and kind.

١. عَلَيكَ بحِرمانِ اللَّئيمِ لَعَلَّهُ
إذا ذاق طَعمَ المَنعِ يَسخو وَيُكرُمُ

2. But do not stint the noble overmuch, for when
Denied but once, they rage and commit outrage.

٢. ولا تَحرِمِ القَومَ الكِرامَ فإنَّهُمْ
متى يُحرَمُوا يَوماً يَصولوا ويغرموا