
O you whose religion is but words without deeds,

يا من غدا دينه قولا بلا عمل

1. O you whose religion is but words without deeds,
You've been delaying while delay is the mark of stinginess and miserliness,

١. يا مَن غدا دينُهُ قَولاً بلا عَمَلٍ
مَطَلْتَ والمَطْلُ عَينُ المَنعِ والبُخْلِ

2. When I came to you fettered, O stingy brother,
You gave me diluted wine from chilled jugs.

٢. لّما أتَيْتُكَ مُمْتاحاً أخا غُلِلٍ
سقيْتَني عَلَلاً من بارِدِ العِلَلِ