
Present good for yourself

قدم لنفسك خيرا

1. Present good for yourself
While you own what you own

١. قَدَّمْ لنَفسِك خَيراً
وأنتَ مالِكُ مالِكْ

2. Before you pass away
And your state becomes frail

٢. مِن قَبل أن تتفانى
ولَونُ حالِكَ حالِكْ

3. You really do not know
Which path you will take

٣. لم تَدرِ أنَّكَ حَقّاً
أيَّ المَسالِكِ سالِكْ

4. To Heaven or to Hell
To the dominions of the Owner

٤. لجِنَّةٍ أمْ لنارِ
إلى ممالِكِ مالِك

5. And you will inevitably one day
After becoming worn out, perish

٥. وأنتَ لابُدَّ يَوماً
بعدَ التَكاهُلِ هالِكْ