
O Abu Qasim, how many unjust and arrogant oppressors

أبا قاسم كم ظالم متعجرف

1. O Abu Qasim, how many unjust and arrogant oppressors
My struggle has blunted their swords and teeth.

١. أبا قاسِمٍ كمْ ظالِمٍ مُتَعَجْرِفٍ
نضالي حَدَّيْ سَيفِهِ وسِنانِهِ

2. So Allah the Generous protected me with His kindness,
And sheltered me with His kindness and protection.

٢. فسَلَّمَني اللهُ الكريمُ بلُطفِهِ
وصَيَّرَني في لُطفِهِ وضَمانِهِ

3. And among them is your father, he indeed handed over
his swords and tongue to assail me.

٣. ومِنهُمْ أبوكَ إنَّهُ سَلَّ مُصْلِتاً
عَلَيَّ حُسامَيْ كَيدِهِ ولِسانِهِ

4. But when he persisted in his injustice and arrogance,
And resembled a camel gone mad in its rage,

٤. فلّما غَر في ظُلمِهِ وَعتُوِّهِ
وأشبَهَ عِيراً لجَّ في نزَوانِهِ

5. I endured his schemes, and so his consequences
were uncovered, my honor and his disgrace.

٥. صبَرْتُ على مكروهِهِ فتكشَّفَتْ
عواقِبُهُ عن عِزَّتي وهَوانِهِ

6. So if you fear Him or have patience, then surely
your time will also pass like his time.

٦. فإنْ تتّقيهِ أوْ صبْرت فإنَّما
زمانُكَ أيضاَ مُنقَضٍ كزَمانِهِ