
From the magic of your eyes, security, security

من سحر عينيك الأمان الأمان

1. From the magic of your eyes, security, security
You killed the lord of sword and spear

١. مِنْ سِحْرِ عَيْنَيْكَ الأَمانَ الأَمانْ
قَتَلْتَ رَبَّ السَّيْفِ وَالطَّيْلَسانْ

2. Dark like a spear, with kohl'd eyes
If not kohl, they'd be daggers

٢. أَسْمَرُ كالرُّمحِ لَهُ مُقْلَةٌ
لَوْ لَمْ تَكُنْ كَحْلاءَ كانَتْ سِنانْ

3. Gentle Abul-Redf, sweet of meet
Bitter of estrangement, good of lineage

٣. أهْيَفُ عَبْلُ الرِّدْفِ حُلْوُ اللَّمى
مُرُّ الْجَفا قاسٍ رَطيبُ البَنان

4. He grows harsher when I complain of his harshness
Had I complained of love to a rock, it would have softened

٤. يَزْدادُ إِذْ أَشكوُ لَهُ قَسْوَةً
وَلَوْ شَكَوْتُ الْحُبَّ لِلصَّخْرِ لاَن

5. He walked gracefully, pleased with himself
So he escaped being one of the maidens of paradise

٥. سَاقٍ سَها رِضْوانُ عَنْ حِفْظِهِ
فَفَرَّ مِنْ جُمْلَةِ حُورِ الجِنان

6. Full moon and cup of comfort, sun of morning
Oh people, how happy is this poem

٦. بَدْرٌ وِكأْسُ الرَّاحِ شَمْسُ الضُّحى
يا قَوْمُ ما أسْعَدَ هذا القِران

7. Her redness kindled for her glories
As if it is the sun temple or the moon temple

٧. تَوَقَّدَتْ حُمْرَةُ لأَلائِها
كَأنّها بَهْرَمُ أو بَهْرَمان

8. With his cheek or glance or gathering
His intoxication is not from the wines of grapes

٨. بِخَدِّهِ أو طَرْفِهِ أو جَنى
لَماهُ سُكرْي لا بِبِنْتِ الدِّنان

9. Oh you who blame me, leave me be for I am a man
Love left no place in my heart

٩. يا لائِميْ دَعْني فَإنّي فَتىً
ما تَرَكَ الحُّبُّ بِقَلْبيْ مَكان

10. Ask not the lover of his state
For his tears translate his heart

١٠. لا تَسَلِ العاشِقَ عَن حالهِ
فَدَمْعُهُ عَنْ قَلْبِهِ تَرْجُمان

11. If not for my tears and sorrow, I'd not confide
One can speak without using the tongue

١١. لَولا دُموعِي وَالضَّنى لَمْ أَبُحْ
قَد يَنْطِقُ المَرْءُ بِغَيْرِ اللَّسان

12. Musa honored me, and if not for passion
My tormentor, I'd not have tasted humiliation

١٢. أَعَزَّنِي موسى وَلَولا هوى
مُعَذِّبي ما ذُقْتُ طَعْمَ الْهَوان

13. The noble king, king of Armenia
Victorious in religion, generous of the age

١٣. الْمَلِكُ الأشْرَفُ شاهَ ارْمَنٍ
مُظَفَّرُ الدِّينِ كَريمُ الزَّمان

14. By God, if Hatem were compared to him
Little would be said of him, and he'd be disgraced

١٤. وَاللَّه لَو قِيسَ بِهِ حاتِمٌ
لَقَلَّ ما قَدْ قِيلَ عَنْهُ وَهَان

15. One filled the earth with his benevolence
While the other boasts of filling leather bags

١٥. ذا مَلَأَ الأَرْضَ بِإحْسانِهِ
وَذاكَ يَمْتَنُّ بِمَلءِ الجِفان

16. He narrates the heights from himself, from a high father
So his text contains nothing of so-and-so

١٦. يَرْوِي العُلى عَن نَفْسِهِ عَن أبٍ
عالٍ فَما فِي نَصِّهِ عَنْ فُلان

17. God composed for him a lineage
Like pearls that fair throats grace

١٧. قَد نَظَمَ اللَّهُ لَهُ نِسْبَةً
كَالدُّرِّ تَجْلوهُ نُحورُ الحِسان

18. Eloquent, lively, eloquent, descendant of
The sword, decisive, eloquent of tongue

١٨. طَلْقُ النَّدى طَلْقُ الحَيا طَلْقُ نَصْ
لِ السَّيْفِ طَلْقُ الأَمْرِ طَلْقُ الِّلسان

19. Who hears his words says
"Is this a blooming garden or gardens of paradise?"

١٩. يَقولُ مَن يَسْمَعُ أَلْفاظَهُ
هذا جِنانٌ يانِعٌ أَم جَنان

20. He has a tremble against the zebras
When the two armies meet on the day of the wager

٢٠. لَهُ عَلَى وَقْعِ الظُّبى هَزَّةٌ
إِذْا التَقَى الجَمْعانِ يَوْمَ الرِّهان

21. My prayers connected in the enemies' heads
As if there were a bell in the ears

٢١. صُلَّتْ وَصَلَّتْ فِي رُؤوسِ العِدى
كَأنَّ في الإِذْانِ مِنْها أدان

22. My Lord, strive, bestow favor, reconcile, empower
And conquer, for the cowardly mothers are not patient

٢٢. مَوْلايَ جُدْ وَانْعِمْ وَصِلْ وَاقْتَدِرْ
وَافْتِكْ فَما تَفْرَجُ أُمُّ الجَبان

23. Ride the steed of time, race to
What you desire, for you hold the reins

٢٣. وَارْكَبْ جَوادَ الدَّهْرِ وَاسْبِقْ إلى
ما تَشْتَهِيهِ قَدْ مَلَكْتَ العِنان

24. You have lived, O Ayyubids, in blessings
That will persist eternally in recording time

٢٤. دُمْتُمْ بَنِي أَيُّوبَ فِي نِعْمَةٍ
تَجوزُ فِي التَّخْلِيدِ حَدَّ الزَّمَان

25. By God, you remain the kings of the world
East and west, and I guarantee it

٢٥. وَاللَّهِ لا زِلْتُم مُلوكَ الوَرَى
شَرْقاً وَغَرْباً وَعَلَيَّ الضَّمَان