1. I said to the night when love brought me a beloved,
And songs that enchant propriety and dispel all cares:
١. قُلْتُ لِلَّيْلِ إِذْ حَبانِي حَبِيَباً
وَغِناءً يَسْبِي النُّهَى وَعُقارَا
2. “You, O night, are my confidant, so refuse to let dawn appear,
And, O darkness, be a cool home for us both.”
٢. أَنْتَ يا لَيْلُ حاجِبِي فَامْنَعِ الصُّبْ
حَ وَكُنْ أَنْتَ يا دُجَى بَرْدَ دَارَا