
The dawn shone brightly for us, so come here -

طاب الصبوح لنا فهاك وهات

1. The dawn shone brightly for us, so come here -
And drink, O most delightful companion!

١. طابَ الصَّبوحُ لَنا فَهاكَ وَهاتِ
وَاشْرَبْ هَنيئاً يا أَخا الَّلذَّاتِ

2. Why all this procrastination when youth is obedient
And time is lenient, and the beloved complies?

٢. كَمْ ذا التَّوانِيْ وَالشَّبابُ مُطاوِعٌ
وَالدَّهْرُ سَمْحٌ وَالحَبيبُ مُوَاتِي

3. Rise and start your day with the sun in your cup,
With stars that rose from the goblets.

٣. قُمْ فَاصْطَبِحُ مِنْ شَمْسِ كَأْسِكَ وَاغْتَبِقْ
بِكَواكِبٍ طَلَعَتْ مِنَ الْكاساتِ

4. Pale yellow, its coldness kindled -
I was amazed by fires in the heavens!

٤. صَفْراءَ صافِيَةٌ تَوَقَّدَ بَرْدُها
فَعَجِبْتُ لِلنّيرانِ فِي الجَنَّاتِ

5. Its bubbles flow from the rim of cups
And pearls gathered from the darkness.

٥. يَنْسَلُّ مِنْ قارِ الظّروفِ حَبابُها
وَالدُّرُّ مُجْتَلَبٌ مِنَ الظّلُمَاتِ

6. You see the thread of dawn spun out
When it slipped from the niche onto the shelves.

٦. وَتُريكَ خَيْطَ الصُّبْحِ مَفْتولاً إِذْا
مَرَقَتْ مِنَ الرَّاووقِ فِي الطّاساتِ

7. A maiden whose temperament does this - don't you see?
The veil of her chastity in the palm of the cupbearer

٧. عَذْراءُ واقَعَها المِزاجُ أما تَرى
مِنْديلَ عُذْرَتِها بِكَفِّ سُقاةِ

8. Who hastens with her on the back of the mule,
Effeminate in gait, dexterous in movement.

٨. يَسْعى بِها عَبْلُ الرَّوادِفِ أَهْيَفُ
خَنِثُ الشَّمائِلِ شاطِرُ الحَرَكاتِ

9. Her tresses tumbling down faster than him,
Twisted like black snakes.

٩. يَهْويْ فَتَسْبقُهُ ذَوائِبُ شَعْرِهِ
مَلْتَفَّةً كَأساوِدِ الحَيَّاتِ

10. He knows the positions of his flasks,
Between one turn and the next arrival.

١٠. يَدْري مَنازِلَ نَيِّراتِ كُؤوسِهِ
ما بَيْنَ مُنْصَرِفٍ وَآخَرَ آتِ

11. If our livelihoods were dispensed by his right hand,
Time would be just to the needy.

١١. لَو قُسِّمَتْ أَرْزَاقُنا بِيَمينهِ
عَدَلَ الزَّمانُ عَلى ذَوي الْحَاجاتِ

12. My share of time is little, and these are
My sighs about me, and these are my words -

١٢. حَظّيْ مِنَ الزَّمَنِ القَلِيلُ وَهذِهِ
نَفَثاتُ فِيَّ وَهذِهِ كَلَمِاتِي

13. I complain to the most noble king,
King Al-Ashraf, foremost in glory,

١٣. أَشْكو إلى شَاهَ ارْمَنٍ مُوسى الْمَلي
كِ الأشْرَفِ السَّبَّاقِ لِلْغاياتِ

14. A king whom, when events grew obscure, you saw
Bright-faced, distinct in features.

١٤. مَلِكٌ إِذْا اعْتَكَرَ العَجاجُ رَأَيْتَهُ
طَلْقَ المُحَّيا واضِحَ القَسَماتِ

15. If he had come earlier, his brow
Would have been more fitting than lamps for illumination.

١٥. لَوْ كانَ قَبْلَ اليَوْمِ كانَ جَبينُهُ
أَوْلى مِنَ التَّمْثيلِ بِالمِشْكاةِ

16. A puller of the reins of vast armies, flocks of birds surround him,
And breaker of the expanses.

١٦. جَرَّارُ إِذْيالِ الجُيُوشِ يَحُفّها
طَيْرُ السَّماء وَكاسِرُ الفَلَواتِ

17. The traditions of God's victory assured him
That they would flow in their customary manner.

١٧. ضَمِنَتْ لَها عاداتُ نَصْرِ اللَّهِ أَنْ
تَجْري جِرايَتُها عَلى الْعاداتِ

18. A lion whose teeth are daggers tore through
The most tangled thickets and disappeared into the forests.

١٨. أُسْدٌ بَراثِنُها النّصالُ تَقَحَّمَتْ
أُجَمَ الوَشيجِ فَغِبْنَ فِي غَاباتِ

19. From their iron helmets emerged their faces,
Like moons in halos.

١٩. طَلَعَتْ مِنَ الخُوذِ الحَديدِ وُجوهُهُمْ
فَكَأَنَّها الأَقْمَارُ فِي الهَالاتِ

20. Their boldness took control of the ring of iron
As if they were lions on hilltops.

٢٠. وَاسْتَلأمَتْ حَلَقَ الحَديدِ جُسُومُهُمْ
فَكَأَنَّها لُجَجٌ عَلى هَضَباتِ

21. With them the glorious one plunges into the depths of perdition -
How much he risked for the faith from flooding!

٢١. يَرْمي بِها سُبُلَ المَهالِكِ ماجِدٌ
كَمْ خاضَ دونَ الدِّينِ مِنْ غَمَراتِ

22. How many kneeling bows did his spear make in the throats of the enemy,
And how many prostrations did his sword make in battle!

٢٢. كَمْ رَكْعَةٍ لِقَناهُ فِي ثُغَرِ العِدى
وَلِسَيْفِهِ فِي الهَامِ مِنْ سَجَدَاتِ

23. Brown steeds whose thirst is only quenched
When watered with blood from skulls.

٢٣. سُمْرٌ ذَوابِلُ لايُبَلُّ غَليلُها
إلاَّ إِذْا سُقَيتْ دَمَ المُهُجاتِ

24. The clash of swords distracts them - how different
From the nature of grazing sheep is the nature of war horses!

٢٤. يُلْهي مَسامِعَهُ الصَّليلُ وَأَيْنَ مِنْ
طَبْعِ القُيونِ تَطَبُّعُ القَيْناتِ

25. The shadow of tents is their rest area and bedding,
A band flying off toward raids.

٢٥. ظِلُّ البُنُودِ مَقيلُهُ وَمِهَادُهُ
جُرْدٌ تَطيرُ بِهِ إِلى الْغاراتِ

26. Sorrels the dawn chose over the darkness,
So it rose, and its horizon was from the mountain peaks.

٢٦. دُهْمٌ تَخَيَّرَها الصَّباحُ عَلى الدُّجى
فَغَدا وَمَطَلعُهُ مِنَ الجَبَهاتِ

27. Reds intertwined with the branches of oleander -
There must be thorns along with roses.

٢٧. حُمْرٌ تَرَبَّتْ بَيْنَ مُشْتَجِرِ الْقَنا
لاَ بُدَّ دُونَ الْوَرْدِ مِنْ شَوْكاتِ

28. Meteors with which the devils of enmity were pelted
And flowed like the flowing of flaming meteors.

٢٨. شُهْبٌ بِها قُذِفَتْ شِياطينُ الْعِدى
فَجَرَتْ كَجَرْيِ الشُّهْبِ مُشْتَعِلاتِ

29. This is he who brought abundance to servants and their Lord
With wonders of benevolence and good deeds.

٢٩. هذا الّذي أضْرى العِبادَ وَرَبَّهُمْ
بِغَرائِبِ الإِحْسانِ والحَسَناتِ

30. This is he who did without advisors in
The management of prudent opinion and banners.

٣٠. هذا الّذي اسْتَغْنَى عَنِ الوُزَراءِ فِي
تَدْبيرِ عَقْدِ الرَّأيِ وَالرَّاياتِ

31. This divine one in whose day
You are forewarned before tomorrow of what is to come.

٣١. هذا الإِلهيُّ الّذي فِي يَوْمِهِ
يُنْبِيكَ قَبْلَ غِدٍ بِما هُوَ آتِ

32. Eyes illuminated by the light of God convey what they see
From a heart purer than a mirror.

٣٢. عَضيْنٌ بِنُورِ اللَّهِ تَنْقُلُ ما تَرى
عَن خاطِرٍ أَصْفَى مِنَ المِرْآةِ

33. Glory to Him who gathered all virtues in Himself
And decided to disperse His wealth!

٣٣. سُبْحانَ مَنْ جَمَعَ الْمَكارِمَ عِنْدَهُ
وَقَضى عَلَى أَمْوالِهِ بِشَتاتِ

34. When the branch bent over its dunes,
I consoled my heart by plucking its pomegranate.

٣٤. لَمّا انْثَنى الْغُصْنُ فَوْقَ كُثْبانِهْ
جَبَرْتُ قَلْبي بكَسْرِ رُمَّانِهْ

35. I attained from its saliva and cheek
Something sweeter than its scent and basil.

٣٥. وَنِلْتُ مِنْ رِيقِهِ وَعارِضِهِ
أَطْيَبَ مِن راحِهِ وَرَيْحانِهْ

36. It seemed the letter dāl in coquetry was a flourish
Added by a copyist to his manuscript.

٣٦. كَأَنَّ دَالَ الْعِذَارِ حَاشِيَةٌ
خَرَّجَها ناسِخٌ لِنِسْيانِهْ

37. He tightened his cummerbund beneath his robe
Among his roses and lilies.

٣٧. شَدَّ الكَلَهْبَنْدَ تَحْتَ آسَتِهِ
فِي مُلْقَتَى وَرْدِهِ وَسوسانِهْ

38. As if he were a gazelle who feared separation,
So he wrapped himself in the folds of his garden.

٣٨. كأَنَّهُ أَرْقَمٌ تَخَوَّفَ فَالْ
تَفَّ بِالْفافِ زَهْرِ بُسِتَانِهْ

39. His single hair terrifies me in an embrace,
For it is like the night of his abandonment.

٣٩. تَرُوعًني فِي الْعِناقِ شَعْرَتُهُ
لأِنَّها مِثْلُ لَيْلِ هِجْرانِهْ

40. Its ends tug under his bodice
Stingily with what is tied beneath his sleeves.

٤٠. تَجْذِبُ أَطْرافَها حِياصَتُهُ
بُخْلاً بِما شَدَّ تَحْتَ هِمْيانِهْ

41. O critic, if I cry over every separate torment,
It is its nature to expose from its nature.

٤١. يا لائِمي إنْ بَكَيْتُ كُلُّ شَجٍ
مِنْ شَأْنِهِ الاِفْتِضاحُ مِنْ شَانِهْ

42. You are spared what I have been afflicted with,
While my heart is busy with its torments.

٤٢. أَنْتَ مُعافىً مِمَّا بُليتُ بِهِ
وَعِنْدَ قَلْبي شُغْلٌ بِأشْجانِهْ

43. Indeed, he who guided me into passion
Led me astray from the path of its diversion.

٤٣. إنَّ الّذي لِلْغَرامِ أَرْشَدَني
أَضَلَّني عَنْ طَريقِ سُلْوانِهْ

44. The suffering of his eyelids passed into my body,
And the cheek most savagely burned my breast.

٤٤. سَرَى ضَنى جَفْنِهِ إِلى جَسَدي
وَالْخَدُّ أَعْدَى الْحَشَى بِنيرانِهْ

45. If you do not see the full moon among its stars,
Look at it among its peers.

٤٥. إنْ لَم تَرَ الْبَدْرَ بَيْنَ أَنْجُمِهِ
فَانْظُرْ إليَهِ ما بَيْنَ أَقْرانِهْ

46. I am jealous in the racetrack of his cheeks
Of the dust from its racecourse.

٤٦. أَغَارُ فِي حَلْبَةِ الطِّرادِ عَلى
خُدُودِهِ مِن غُبارِ مَيْدانِهْ

47. Your enemies, O Moses, receive
What his rotating spheres gave at their striking.

٤٧. تَلْقَى أَعادي موسى كَما لَقِيَتْ
كُرَاتُهُ عِنْدَ ضَرْبِ جُوكانِهْ

48. The most noble, generous king, may the glory
Of his reign last, O King Al-Ashraf!

٤٨. المَلِكُ الأَشْرَفُ الكَرِيمُ يَداً
شَاهَ ارْمَنِ دامَ عِزُّ سُلْطَانِهْ

49. A king the reins of time are in his hand,
And so it changed like the changing of its colors -

٤٩. مَلْكٌ زِمَامُ الزَّمانِ فِي يَدِهِ
فَاخْتَلَفَتْ كاخْتِلافِ أَلْوانِهْ

50. White the day his favors set forth,
Red the day his lances were seized.

٥٠. بَيْضاءٌ يَوْمَ انْطِلاَقِ أَنْعُمِهِ
حَمْراءُ يَومَ اعْتِقالِ مُرَّانِهْ

51. His enemies rule by his aid
When the stars of his arrows rise.

٥١. تَحْكُمُ أَعْداؤُهُ بِنُصْرَتِهِ
إِذْا اسْتَهَلَّتْ نُجُومُ خِرْصانِهْ

52. The Mosul armies that were shattered
Tell of themselves and his horsemen -

٥٢. عَساكِرُ المُوْصِلِ الّتي انْكَسَرَتْ
تُخْبِرُ عَنْ نَفْسِهِ وَفُرْسانِهْ

53. The day of Abu Shazza when the spark of horses flashed
And lit the fires of his spears.

٥٣. يَوْمَ أَبو شَزَّةٍ وَقَد قَدَحَتْ
سَنابِكُ الْخَيْلِ زَنْدَ نِيرانِهْ

54. They were arrogant in their gathered stratagems,
So his serpent miracles confronted them.

٥٤. تَفَرْعَنُوا بِاجْتِماعِ كَيْدِهِمْ
فَالْتَقَفَتْهُمْ آياتُ ثُعْبانِهْ

55. The sea of his army drowned them, and so they were
Like the people of Pharaoh beneath its flood.

٥٥. أَغْرَقَهُمْ بَحْرُ جَيْشِهِ فَهُمُ
كَآلِ فِرْعَوْنَ تَحْتَ طُوفانِهْ

56. O heir of the earth, and its grantor!
O king, may the glory of his reign endure!

٥٦. يا وارِثَ الأَرضِ وَهْوَ وَاهِبُها
يا مَلِكاً دامَ عِزُّ سُلْطانِهْ

57. None can accomplish destroying your glory unless
The Creator has built the foundation of its pillar.

٥٧. لا يُمكِنُ الْخَلْقَ هَدْمُ مَجْدِكَ وَالْ
خالِقُ قَد شَادَ أُسَّ بُنيانِهْ

58. The crown of Chosroes is no match for his turban,
And his palace is not like his court.

٥٨. ما تاجُ كِسْرى نَظيرُ كَمَّتِهِ
وَلَيْسِ إِيوانُهُ كَديوانِهْ

59. O people whose nobility increased whenever
A volume was read bearing its title!

٥٩. يا آلَ شإِذْي زِدْتِمْ بِهِ شَرَفاً
كُلُّ كِتابٍ يُقْرا بِعُنْوانِهْ