1. Victory is deserved by those whose determination is strong,
And gratitude is gained by those whose generosity is wide,
١. يَسْتَوجِبُ النَّصْرَ مَنْ صَحَّتْ عَزائِمُهُ
وَيَقْتَني الشُّكْرَ مَنْ عَمَّتْ مَكارِمُهُ
2. With soul and wealth, the seeker of glory attained it,
Indeed the greatest is the one whose ambitions are humble,
٢. بِالنَّفْسِ وَالْمالِ نالَ المَجْدَ طالِبُهُ
إِنَّ العَظِيمَ لَمَنْ هَانَتْ عَظائِمُهُ
3. In every period, this religion awaits
One who will revive it after its symbols have faded,
٣. فِي كُلِّ دَوْرٍ لِهَذَا الدِّينِ مُنْتَظَرٌ
يُشِيدُهُ بَعْدَما تَخْفَى مَعالِمُهُ
4. Today, all believers agree with us
That the Shah of Armenians is its supporter,
٤. فَاليَوْمَ كُلُّ إِمَامِيٍّ يُوافقُنا
بِأنَّ شاهَ ارْمَنَ المَهْدِيَّ قائِمُهُ
5. He who will fill the earth with justice after it was
Filled with injustice and his swords reveal what has blinded it,
٥. مَنْ يَمْلأُ الأَرْضَ عَدْلاً بَعْدَما مُلِئَتْ
جَوْراً وَتَكْشِفُ عمَّاها صَوارِمُهُ
6. O day of Damietta, you left no honor
For those who came before except that you demolished it,
٦. يا يَوْمَ دِمْياطَ ما أّبْقَيْتَ مِن شَرَفٍ
لِمَنْ تَقَدَّمَ إلاّ أَنْتَ هادِمُهُ
7. A maiden called from afar, so a jealous king saved her,
Protecting the virtuous, his swords are their guardians,
٧. عَذْراءُ نادَتْ عَلى بُعْدٍ فَأنْقَذَهَا
مَلْكٌ غَيُورٌ مَصُونَاتٌ كرائِمُهُ
8. The yellow-skinned people saw the banners raised
While the sun's eye was blinking from the ferocious brightness,
٨. رَأَتْ بَنُو الأَصْفَرِ الأَعْلامَ طِالِعَةً
وَالنَّقْعُ يُرْمِدُ عَيْنَ الشَّمْسِ فاحِمُهُ
9. And the army gathered around a king
Like a roaring lion surrounded by his cubs,
٩. وَالْجَيْشُ يَلْتَفُّ قُطْراهُ عَلى مَلِكٍ
كاللَّيْثِ يَزْأَرُ حَوْلَيْهِ ضَراغِمُهُ
10. The air was crying arrows whenever
The clouds of a Yemeni lightning bolt smiled,
١٠. وَالجَوُّ يَبْكِي سِهاماً كُلَّما ضَحِكَتْ
عَنْ كُلِّ بَرْقٍ يَمانِيٍّ غَمائِمُهُ
11. And every eyelid, when the chase grew long,
Would fly off were it not for its lashes,
١١. وَكُلُّ طِرْفٍ إِذْا طالَ الطِّرادُ بِهِ
يَطِيرُ مِن جِلْدِهِ لَولا شَكائِمُهُ
12. And before Damietta was a sea between them
Filled with armored men, none aboard could survive it,
١٢. وَدُونَ دِمْياطَ بَحْرٌ حالَ بَيْنَهُما
مِنَ الظُّبَى لَيْسَ يَنْجُو مِنْهُ عائِمُهُ
13. They cried for safety but no sword in their hands
Struck nor did their feet carry them away,
١٣. صاحُوا الأَمانَ فَلا سَيْفٌ نَضَتْهُ يَدٌ
مِنْهُمْ وَلاَ حَمَلَتْ طِرْفاً قَوائِمُهُ
14. They submitted to a king whom God honored,
Moses his Solomon and the sword his seal,
١٤. ذَلُّوا لِمُلْكٍ أَعَزَّ اللَّهُ صاحِبَهُ
موسى سُلَيْمانُهُ وَالسَّيْفُ خاتَمُهُ
15. They surrendered it and returned its people and left
While the border from joy was bursting with his name,
١٥. وَسَلَّمُوهَا وَرَدُّوا أَهْلَها وَمَضَوا
وَالثَّغْرُ مِنْ فَرَحٍ يَفْتَرُّ باسِمُهُ
16. As if they had seen what had passed long ago
Like one who sees his disturbing dreams while asleep,
١٦. كَأَنَّهُمْ أَبْصَرُوا ما قَد مَضَى زَمَناً
كَما يَرَى مُزْعِجَ الأَحْلامِ نائِمُهُ
17. You purified its high prayer niche and its pulpit
From their filth after their pillars had shaken,
١٧. طَهَّرْتَ مِحْرابَها العالِي وَمِنْبَرَها
مِنْ رِجْسِهِمْ بَعْدَما ارْتَجَّت قَوائِمُهُ
18. And you stood breaking the statue of Christ with it
Despite those whose belief in divinity was deficient,
١٨. وَقُمْتَ تَكْسِرُ تِمْثالَ المَسِيحِ بِهِ
بِرَغْمِ مَن هُوَ بِالَّلاهُوتِ لاثِمُهُ
19. You resembled your ancestor Abraham and his determination
Matched your highest resolves,
١٩. أَشْبَهْتَ جَدَّكَ إبْراهِيمَ وَاتَّفَقَتْ
عَلى عَزائِمِكَ العُلْيا عَزائِمُهُ
20. Tell the coward whose wellbeing is his survival
That death is far more shameful than what befits him,
٢٠. قُلْ لِلْكُماةِ وَسَرَّتُهُ سَلامَتُهُ
أَشَدُّ مَوْتِ الفَتَى عارٌ يُلائِمُهُ
21. They returned in disgrace to their homelands and left
While each house that received them was in mourning,
٢١. عادُوا بِخِزْيٍ إلَى أَوْطانِهِمْ وَمَضَوْا
فَكُلُّ بَيْتٍ تَلَقَّاهُمْ مَآتِمُهُ
22. The priests weep for the captive kings
While the just ruler judged their oppressor,
٢٢. تَبْكِي القُسوسُ عَلى أَسْرى مُلوكِهِمُ
وَذاكَ ذُلٌّ قَضى بِالعَدْلِ ظالِمُهُ
23. With humiliation in the path of God alone, not for the one
Whose spoils of war he attained,
٢٣. يا بإِذْلاً فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ مُهْجَتَهُ
لِلّهِ لاَ لِلَّذِي حازَتْ مَغانِمُهُ
24. Were it not for you, the tomb of the Chosen One would have shaken
And the House become one whose sanctities had been violated,
٢٤. لَولاَكَ زُلْزِلَ قَبْرُ المُصْطَفى وَوَهى
وَأَصْبَحَ البَيْتُ قَد حَلَّتْ مَحارِمُهُ
25. In the West you carried out the duty of jihad but had
You turned east, their non-Arabs would not have stood,
٢٥. قَضَيْتَ فِي الغَرْبِ مَفْرُوضَ الجِهادِ وَلَو
فَرَغْتَ لِلشَّرْقِ ما قَامَتْ أَعَاجِمُهُ
26. You forgot the honor of conquering Amorium
While the one who composed it died before Abu Tammam,
٢٦. أَنْسَيْتَ مِن فَتْحِ عَمُّورِيَّةٍ شَرَفاً
وَماتَ دُونَ أَبِي تَمَّامَ ناظِمُهُ
27. I say to the envious grieving opponent: Here is a king
Who attained joy since his symbols were raised,
٢٧. أَقُولُ لِلْحاسِدِ المَحْزُونِ ذا مَلِكٌ
نالَ السَّعادَةَ مُذْ مُدَّتْ تَمائِمُهُ
28. When the gift of a star revolves in its orbit
The star and its revolving orbit are its servants,
٢٨. مإِذْا عَطِيَّةُ نَجْمٍ دار فِي فَلَكٍ
النَّجْمُ وَالفَلَكُ الدَّوَّارُ خادِمُهُ
29. This is a divine specialization and position
None of the kings can compete for it,
٢٩. هذَا اخْتِصاصٌ إلهِيٌّ وَمَرْتَبَةٌ
ما فِي المُلُوكِ عَلَيْها مَن يُزاحِمُهُ
30. My lord, my illness has made my body weak
And how can one whose pillars are cut stand?
٣٠. مَوْلاَيَ عُذْرِيَ سُقْمٌ قَد بَرَى جَسَدِي
وَكَيْفَ يَنْهَضُ مَنْ قُصَّتْ قَوادِمُهُ
31. They said you were late and being late diminishes
The generosity of one whose nobilities have spread,
٣١. قَالوا تَأخَّرْتَ وَالتَّأْخِيرُ يُنْقِصُنِي
مِنْ جُودِ مَنْ عَمَّتِ الدُّنْيا مَكارِمُهُ
32. I do not fear time twisting its burdens,
I do not dread the cutting off of my provision, He is its disburser,
٣٢. لا أَرْهَبُ الدَّهْرَ أَنْ يَثْنِي مَؤُوْنَتَهُ
لا أَخْتَشِي قَطْعَ رِزْقِي وَهُوَ قاسِمُهُ
33. The tongues of eulogizers will never leave his state
So the best meadow is what its doves have sung.
٣٣. لا فارَقَتْ أَلْسُنُ المُدَّاحِ دَوْلَتَهُ
فَأحْسَنُ الرَّوْضِ ما غَنَّتْ حَمائِمُهُ